Kyle Hanagami | Love in the Dark
2018. 9. 1. 00:38ㆍDance
Choreographer : Kyle Hanagami
Song : Love in the Dark - Adele (Leroy Sanchez cover ver.)
로스엔젤레스의 유명한 코레오그래퍼 Kyle Hanagami
"Living and working in Los Angeles is draining. It's like everyone is screaming at you: Screaming for your attention, your time, your money. Sometimes you just have to close your eyes and breathe just to drown out the noise. It's crazy how loud the world can be.
A couple years ago, I was sitting in the Emergency Room because I was really sick. Let me tell you, the hospital is a noisy place. My eyes were closed so tight that my nose wrinkled up and I was taking deep breathes like I was at core power yoga. The doctor came in. "You have Leukemia." Everything went silent. I slowly opened my eyes but the world was completely pitch-black. I could have waved my hand right in front of my face and not been able to see it. I was terrified. I've always been scared of the dark and this was definitely the cherry on top. But I had to take a second to remind myself: When everything goes dark, you're able to see even the slightest glimmer of light."
-Kyle Hanagami
춤영상을 좋아하는 사람이라면 한번쯤은 봤을 법한 Kyle Hanagami의 대표 choreography 'YONCE'.
가운데에 있는 댄서 Haley Fitzgerald는 Kyle Hanagami의 여자친구이기도 하다.
Kyle's choreography of 'Shape of You'
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