2018. 11. 11. 00:34ㆍMint Records/Soul, R&B
Masego - Old Age
He he he he, so where you gon' go with that?
How you doing Miss Johnson?
How you doin' baby?
Fat ol' ass, eh
Oh my gosh Why would you- Why would you say that?
I got a son I have a s-
I want that
I got a son, Charlie
I know you got a son
I need me a sugar momma Old lady
Foxy mama Sophisticated
Sugar mama Old lady
Foxy mama Sophisticated
Old age don't mean nothing to me
Wise man said age ain't nothing but a number
Why would you say that?
Young gal, she don't give me jokes someone represent, old lady
She ain't with the tech or the messages, young gal
Loves dance getting sorta decadent, old lady
Tied up, she ain't even stressin' kids
If you can cook me a plate after we mate, that ain't a date, I ain't ya man
You don't know your body yet
You don't know your body yet
I need me a sugar momma Old lady
Foxy mama Sophisticated
Sugar mama Old lady
Foxy mama Sophisticated
Old age don't mean nothing to me
Wise man said age ain't nothing but a number
He he he lemme holla at you for a second
Lil baby, lil hard eye breaky (hard eye breaky)
I'm chasing me a Sanaa Lathan (Sanaa Lathan)
She payin' for the wine, dine, look where we from my time
Might even deny my stayin' overnight
I'm saying I'm just fly by (fly by bangin')
I take what she supply my favorite (my favorite)
Anytime I see, start workin' for some part-time lovin' from the heart I'm bringing (young girls)
She ain't even got that arch in her back (old ladies)
Treat her special cause she knows how to act (young girl)
Never love in an ocean so blue (old ladies)
She just give for the view
When I need me a sugar momma Old lady
Foxy mama Sophisticated
Sugar mama Old lady
Foxy mama Sophisticated
Old age don't mean nothing to me
Wise man said age ain't nothing but a number
Why would you say that?
자메이카에서 태어나 미국 버지니아 주에서 성장한 아티스트 Masego는 자신의 음악을 'TrapHouseJazz' 라는 새로은 장르로 정의한다.
그의 이름 'Masego'는 남아프리카 언어 츠와나어(Setswana)로 축복받은, Blessed 라는 뜻이다.
목사 부모님 밑에서 자라면서 가스펠 음악으로 음악을 처음 접했고, 그때부터 드럼, 피아노, 색소폰 등 다양한 악기를 배웠다고 한다.
I mean, I've had a lot of conversations, probably in passing - maybe an Uber driver to, like, someone at a sandwich shop. I ask Uber drivers, like, all the time - so, like, what is your opinion of modern love? And it's always cool what I get. You know, everybody has their own thing. They're just, like, well, I think someone you can just be silent with. And then this one woman told me, it's successfully implanting need in another soul. And I was, like, OK. You're deep for an Uber driver. Five stars for you.
-From NPR
Old Lady는 나이가 많은 여자를 좋아했던 자신의 경험을 바탕으로 만든 노래이다.
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